Team Umizoomi Banned Episodes 2 - The Troublemakers' Party

Oh, Hello there. Some Of a guy watched umizoomi Banned episodes. I readed it, But i came across the cd, which contains the 2 episodes, and a 1 new very long episode. I Watched the 2 episodes, Prepare your anus, The third episode. It started in The Troublemakers' Garden, Some of a cop threw corpses of Team Umizoomi, But in a box, There was a talk here.
Little Trouble: Hey Old Chap, Some one threw something.
Big Trouble: Uh? What? It's A cop!
Little Trouble: Let's check on our garden.
And after that, they go to their garden, They saw the Parcel, (PARCEL TO THE TROUBLEMAKERS)
The Troublemakers Opened The Parcel with the trouble Ray, After that, They saw Dead Umizoomi.
Little Trouble: Wait, Is that Team Umizoomi?
Big Trouble: Yes, But they died.
Big Trouble: Let's Do this To Destroy Umicity!
After that, They Destroyed Millitary and Police With the Trouble Ray First, To Lower The Chance of Being in prison. 2nd, They robbed the bank, 3rd, they took some goods and rebuild their house, And Last, Town Hall. I Saw the Mayor yelled to the troublemakers.
Mayor: What you have done! No- (Mouth Shuted up by Little Trouble)
Little Trouble: Shut the fuck up You McFat McFat Bitch!
Now, The Entire Umicity was Enslaved by The Troublemakers.
Except 2 of people, George and Mike, 2 adults.
They Took Team Umizoomi To Their Experiment Chamber, Also, They revived them.
Geo: Thanks for revivng us, why the sky is orange?
Mike: The Troublemakers enslaved everything while your dead!
Milli: Oh These TroubleMakers!
But Team Umizoomi Was Teleported to the torture dungeon. 
The Troublemakers Were Dressed As Mayors.
Team Umizoomi was Chained.
The TroubleMakers: Let the games Begin, Slaves!
They got Enslaved By The Troublemakers.
The TroubleMakers' Friends were here to party.
I Got Here Magically.
They Got Bigger.
I Rushed To Party Really hard.
Now I Became the Friends of the troublemakers. After that, The Troublemakers Got Married By Woman Troublemakers(They are TroubleMakers Too, But they are female). I Got married by A SEXY SEXY SEXY Chick! Me And The Troublemakers Had Sex with Wifes! My Cock Was Hard as Hell. I Rushed To Fap. We got Home in Umicity, With the VIP Room In Town Hall. Then Milli And Geo Had Sex As Sister and Brother. Bot Had a Girl, Girl Bot. Wait wait! That was N-- Wait that's the part of the story. So, I Live In The TroubleCity, I Lived here Entire Life! Life Was Flipped Upside Down! Then Milli Was Being Raped By A UmiPedo Gary And Geo Was Raped By UmiPedo Harry. You Will Be Lucky if you find the cd.
I can't Continue Anymore. Life is still Flippen Upside Down.

) 17:48, September 2, 2014 (UTC)The End


Big Trouble Sexey